sandroautomoveis 2017-05-31T16:42:19-04:00 sandroautomoveis 2017-05-31T16:42:19-04:00 2017-05-31T16:42:19-04:00 Great Moments of Olympic History 1896-1996 Poster - Fine Art Ltd. sandroautomoveis Warehouse

Vendor: sandroautomoveis Warehouse
Price: 39.95

An incredible piece for those interested in the Olympic movement and sporting history! Published by St. Louis-based Fine Art Ltd. during the Atlanta Olympic year of 1996, this poster features classic black-and-white photos of twelve great Olympic champions. The photographs are incredible, and look fantastic superimposed over an olive-toned Roman-style background. Below each photo, every athlete is identified by name, years competed, and gold medals won. All of the photos are great, but three in particular stand out - Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali), Mark Spitz, and Jesse Owens.

Top Row: Paavo Nurmi, Johnny Weissmuller, Babe Didrickson, Muhammad Ali, Jim Thorpe
Middle Row: Al Oerter, Greg Louganis, Jesse Owens, Wilma Rudolph
Bottom Row: Nadia Comaneci, Mark Spitz, Bob Beamon.

Note: this poster is now out-of-print; limited quantity remains in our warehouse.

1912 Stockholm 1920 Antwerp 1924 Paris 1928 Amsterdam 1932 Los Angeles 1936 Berlin 1960 Rome 1964 Tokyo 1968 Mexico City 1976 Montreal 1984 Los Angeles 1988 Seoul Educational Reference Posters Gymnastics Other Black And White Posters Other Olympics Posters Other Womens Sports Running Swimming Default Title 39.95 FA003 0